Thursday, November 28, 2019

Sartrean Existentialism Essays - Philosophy, French People

Sartrean Existentialism has traditionally been read as an application of Sartrean existentialism to the problem of women. Critics have claimed a Sartrean origin for Beauvoir's central theses: that under patriarchy woman is the Other, and that 'one is not born a woman, but becomes one.' An analysis of Beauvoir's recently discovered 1927 diary, written while she was a philosophy student at the Sorbonne, two years before her first meeting with Sartre, challenges this interpretation. In this diary, Beauvoir affirms her commitment to doing philosophy, defines the philosophical problem of 'the opposition of self and other,' and explores the links between love and domination. In 1927, she thus lays the foundations of both Sartre's phenomenology of interpersonal relationships and of her own thesis, in The Second Sex, that woman is the Other. Her descriptions of the experience of freedom and choice point to the influence of Bergson, specifically his concepts of 'becoming' and ?lan vital. Tracing Beauvoir's shift fro m her apolitical position of 1927 to the feminist engagement of The Second Sex points to the influence of the African-American writer, Richard Wright, whose description of the lived experience of oppression of blacks Movies and Television

Sunday, November 24, 2019

buy custom The Impact of Education in Our Lives essay

buy custom The Impact of Education in Our Lives essay 1.0 Introduction In the recent past education has being considered as a basic necessity in molding both character and professionals in specific fields. Burbules and Torres (2000), note that the value of education has attracted global attention with most states heavily investing in educational facilities to enhance the quality of education. This is because the positive impact of education in peoples lifestyles is evident. Burbules (2000) further notes that the value of education in peoples lifestyles is what sets them apart from animals. The impact of education in peoples lifestyles is evident in from the manner they think, solve problems, and socialize with others and the character they exhibit. Education remains a key player in determining ones future success. These positive impacts of education in ones lifestyle are what interest me, because it gives hope to our future. It transforms both the economic and social status picture into something remarkable with positive results in ones lifestyles (Preece, 2006). Education has facilitated creativity and innovation al with the aim of improving our living conditions. Eaxleee (2008), observes that education is crucial in our lifestyles today. He notes that in addition to the above mentioned importance, education has the following impacts in our lives. It increases our wisdom Helps us adapt change It leads to an enriching life of self fulfillment Fosters change and development Reports in the conversations and literature with most adult students and professionals depict the fact that education is valued and has had great positive impacts on many individuals. Research carried out by Dr. West in 2009 indicate that most professionals attribute their success to their educational backgrounds such as early involvement in leadership, and the ability of education to widen their minds. This paper aims at establishing the positive impacts on education in our lives. The paper will also focus on the manner in which education changes ones way thinking and solving problems with special emphasis on the future impacts of education to our lifestyles. The paper will apply qualitative research method in attaining these objectives because it is easy to understand and cheap to apply. Therefore, the impacts of education in our lives will be appropriately depicted by the qualitative research method. 2.0 Method A qualitative research approach was applied in this study with the phenomenology theoretical perspective which is common in most qualitative research methods (West, 2009). The phenomenological approach was mainly applied in a quest o understand the underlying value of education to individuals as depicted by the societies they live in. In addition, the context proved to be crucial in interpretation of data collected because this method requires that the researcher be focused on the sense of meaning that others give to their own circumstances and not present his personal views. This method was found to be suitable in these circumstances mainly because it affirmed the importance of the interviewees perspectives and the manner in which they view this topic (West, 2009). Although questions as to the reliability and validity of this method have been raised, it still stands out as the methods which can allow a researcher to objectively carry out a study of the subjective a described by Dr. West, R. in 2009. The qualitative research method applied in this study involved a rigorous process of collecting, analyzing, and revising the conceptions and images of interviewees. My orientation in this research remained crcial to the success of this study and it remained a privilege to be an observer. My interviewees were composed of graduates who has just finished colleges were still green in the career fields and professionals with varsity experience in the field of law, medicine and engineering. This is because such people have experienced life and have knowledge on the positive impacts that education is likely to have on their lifestyles. These groups of interviewees are also likely to open up and say exactly what they feel about my research questions because they have gone through enough experiences in life. These interviewees were recruited from departmental offices within an oil company and a national hospital. The data I collected through this method included words, vocal and facial expressions, feelings, attitudes and other sort of behaviors involved. The data was stored inform of field notes from the observations I made and interview transcripts which helped facilitate the success of the rigorous analysis I did on my research question. The process I engaged throughout the study-included collection, analysis and coding of the study as depicted in most qualitative research methods (West, 2009). The blending of these the processes encouraged flexibility which proved to be an essential ingredient all through my study because it enabled me acquire more information and appropriately analyze the data that was relevant to my study. West (2009) asserts that many scholars have acknowledged the importance of qualitative methods in the fields of education and its impacts to our lifestyles. He notes Rubenson (1999) and Mezirow (1975) as some of these scholars. Apparently, there seems to exist a call for descriptive studies as to the importance of education in individual lifestyles. Rubenson (1999) acknowledged the importance of studying depth interviews to the emerging debate on the impact of education in our lifestyles. Mezirow (1975) stressed that qualitative studies capture the richness of living encompassed with the fullness of experience. He encouraged the application of qualitative analysis as a means of testing both theories and assumptions. These crucial perspectives provided by qualitative researchers created the foundation for my personal research methodology. 3.0 Research Procedures and Design Following the observations and assumptions made above, the qualitative study of the lifestyles of graduates and professionals was proposed which applied semi-structured interviews as the basic research approach. The research began with unstructured questions such as How has education changed your lifestyles? Often, there was only a n occasional question from me for the purposes of clarification. I managed to carry out 30 interviews scheduled that were scheduled between January 4th and April, 8th 2011. A total of 5 three interviews were carried each week with the last two weeks being used to analyze the obtained data so as to understand my research findings. All interviews carried out were tape recorded and accompanied by relevant hard copies of the interviews. The interviews were open-ended and followed a conversational style. It approximately took 45 minutes for each interview. I also took down field notes in relevance to the interviews and included the observations I made and my casual encounters with my interviewees. I also prepared memoranda of each particular taped interview. In addition to the interviews, I also acquired some data that include comments made teaching and administrative colleagues, papers and other secondary sources that gave me an ongoing literaature review about this particular topic. Finally, I entered all the taped interviews, field notes, and memoranda into computer files. I applied the Ethnographer, which is a software used in coding files into organized themes and topics to systematically arrange the files for easy future access and references. A scheme of letters and numbers was applied in designating major categories and subcategories to make the data more clear and easy to understand. I also ensured that hard copies were made available. I am optimistic that the data analyzed will continue being of great importance for future references. The script below shows part of the interview that I conducted with the Saudi Aramco Oil company field engineer called Qui Ching. Qtn. Why do you think education is important? Ans. Education shapes character and help model persons into reputable individuals in the society. It is therefore important. Qtn. How did your educational background shape you to who you are today? Ans. My educational background helped me get conversant with my societal norms and it helped mould my character to suit the society in which I live in. It made me conversant with my cultures and religions that are reflected in the moral values I uphold today. Qtn. Do you think education has greatly influenced your lifestyle? Ans. Apparently, it has. Education is what has seen me through my career. It gave me the basic life and professionals skills that I apply in my professional life today. Trough these skills am able to earn a living! Qtn. How has education affected your social life? Ans. The leadership skills I acquired throughout my study life have seen me through the corporate management ladder because they positively influence the manner in which I socialize with colleagues and address problems. 4.0 Results and Discussions After analyzing the field data obtained, it was evident that education has played a crucial role in molding individual characters. As one of the interviewees put it when asked why education is important he explained, Educations plays an important role in shaping character Faure (2003), asserts that education is important in our daily lifestyles because it shapes character by widening ones mind, magnifying our wisdom and changing ones way of thinking and interpreting life problems. It was also seen that education greatly contributes into building successful careers that earn a way of living for many individuals. When an interviewee who was a lawyer was asked the question as to how his education background had shaped him to who he was today, he was quick to note that education equipped him with the necessary skills to make rational judgments and relevant decisions in life and this is reflected by his career as a lawyer. Many scholars have attributed the success of competent professionals to quality educational backgrounds (Preece, 2006). For instance, lawyers from universities such as Harvard are seen as competent enough compared to their colleagues from Brooks law school. From the research, education was also seen as being pivotal to economic development and social restructuring. This was reflected by the answers given by most interviewees when they were asked what they thought was the importance of education to an individuals future success. Most of them were of the pinion that quality education trigger development in a nation. This is also attributed in the works of Preece (20006) that associates quality education with the Americas economic success. Buy custom The Impact of Education in Our Lives essay buy custom The Impact of Education in Our Lives essay 1.0 Introduction In the recent past education has being considered as a basic necessity in molding both character and professionals in specific fields. Burbules and Torres (2000), note that the value of education has attracted global attention with most states heavily investing in educational facilities to enhance the quality of education. This is because the positive impact of education in peoples lifestyles is evident. Burbules (2000) further notes that the value of education in peoples lifestyles is what sets them apart from animals. The impact of education in peoples lifestyles is evident in from the manner they think, solve problems, and socialize with others and the character they exhibit. Education remains a key player in determining ones future success. These positive impacts of education in ones lifestyle are what interest me, because it gives hope to our future. It transforms both the economic and social status picture into something remarkable with positive results in ones lifestyles (Preece, 2006). Education has facilitated creativity and innovation al with the aim of improving our living conditions. Eaxleee (2008), observes that education is crucial in our lifestyles today. He notes that in addition to the above mentioned importance, education has the following impacts in our lives. It increases our wisdom Helps us adapt change It leads to an enriching life of self fulfillment Fosters change and development Reports in the conversations and literature with most adult students and professionals depict the fact that education is valued and has had great positive impacts on many individuals. Research carried out by Dr. West in 2009 indicate that most professionals attribute their success to their educational backgrounds such as early involvement in leadership, and the ability of education to widen their minds. This paper aims at establishing the positive impacts on education in our lives. The paper will also focus on the manner in which education changes ones way thinking and solving problems with special emphasis on the future impacts of education to our lifestyles. The paper will apply qualitative research method in attaining these objectives because it is easy to understand and cheap to apply. Therefore, the impacts of education in our lives will be appropriately depicted by the qualitative research method. 2.0 Method A qualitative research approach was applied in this study with the phenomenology theoretical perspective which is common in most qualitative research methods (West, 2009). The phenomenological approach was mainly applied in a quest o understand the underlying value of education to individuals as depicted by the societies they live in. In addition, the context proved to be crucial in interpretation of data collected because this method requires that the researcher be focused on the sense of meaning that others give to their own circumstances and not present his personal views. This method was found to be suitable in these circumstances mainly because it affirmed the importance of the interviewees perspectives and the manner in which they view this topic (West, 2009). Although questions as to the reliability and validity of this method have been raised, it still stands out as the methods which can allow a researcher to objectively carry out a study of the subjective a described by Dr. West, R. in 2009. The qualitative research method applied in this study involved a rigorous process of collecting, analyzing, and revising the conceptions and images of interviewees. My orientation in thi research remained crucial to the success of this study and it remained a privilege to be an observer. My interviewees were composed of graduates who has just finished colleges were still green in the career fields and professionals with varsity experience in the field of law, medicine and engineering. This is because such people have experienced life and have knowledge on the positive impacts that education is likely to have on their lifestyles. These groups of interviewees are also likely to open up and say exactly what they feel about my research questions because they have gone through enough experiences in life. These interviewees were recruited from departmental offices within an oil company and a national hospital. The data I collected through this method included words, vocal and facial expressions, feelings, attitudes and other sort of behaviors involved. The data was stored inform of field notes from the observations I made and interview transcripts which helped facilitate the success of the rigorous analysis I did on my research question. The process I engaged throughout the study-included collection, analysis and coding of the study as depicted in most qualitative research methods (West, 2009). The blending of these the processes encouraged flexibility which proved to be an essential ingredient all through my study because it enabled me acquire more information and appropriately analyze the data that was relevant to my study. West (2009) asserts that many scholars have acknowledged the importance of qualitative methods in the fields of education and its impacts to our lifestyles. He notes Rubenson (1999) and Mezirow (1975) as some of these scholars. Apparently, there seems to exist a call for descriptive studies as to the importance of education in individual lifestyles. Rubenson (1999) acknowledged the importance of studying depth interviews to the emerging debate on the impact of education in our lifestyles. Mezirow (1975) stressed that qualitative studies capture the richness of living encompassed with the fullness of experience. He encouraged the application of qualitative analysis as a means of testing both theories and assumptions. These crucial perspectives provided by qualitative researchers created the foundation for my personal research methodology. 3.0 Research Procedures and Design Following the observations and assumptions made above, the qualitative study of the lifestyles of graduates and professionals was proposed which applied semi-structured interviews as the basic research approach. The research began with unstructured questions such as How has education changed your lifestyles? Often, there was only a n occasional question from me for the purposes of clarification. I managed to carry out 30 interviews scheduled that were scheduled between January 4th and April, 8th 2011. A total of 5 three interviews were carried each week with the last two weeks being used to analyze the obtained data so as to understand my research findings. All interviews carried out were tape recorded and accompanied by relevant hard copies of the interviews. The interviews were open-ended and followed a conversational style. It approximately took 45 minutes for each interview. I also took down field notes in relevance to the interviews and included the observations I made and my casual encounters with my interviewees. I also prepared memoranda of each particular taped interview. In addition to the interviews, I also acquired some data that include comments made teaching and administrative colleagues, papers and other secondary sources that gave me an ongoing literature review about this particular topic. Finally, I entered all the taped interviews, field notes, and memoranda into computer files. I applied the Ethnographer, which is a software used in coding files into organized themes and topics to systematically arrange the files for easy future access and references. A scheme of letters and numbers was applied in designating major categories and subcategories to make the data more clear and easy to understand. I also ensured that hard copies were made available. I am optimistic that the data analyzed will continue being of great importance for future references. The script below shows part of the interview that I conducted with the Saudi Aramco Oil company field engineer called Qui Ching. Qtn. Why do you think education is important? Ans. Education shapes character and help model persons into reputable individuals in the society. It is therefore important. Qtn. How did your educational background shape you to who you are today? Ans. My educational background helped me get conversant with my societal norms and it helped mould my character to suit the society in which I live in. It made me conversant with my cultures and religions that are reflected in the moral values I uphold today. Qtn. Do you think education has greatly influenced your lifestyle? Ans. Apparently, it has. Education is what has seen me through my career. It gave me the basic life and professionals skills that I apply in my professional life today. Trough these skills am able to earn a living! Qtn. How has education affected your social life? Ans. The leadership skills I acquired throughout my study life have seen me through the corporate management ladder because they positively influence the manner in which I socialize with colleagues and address problems. 4.0 Results and Discussions After analyzing the field data obtained, it was evident that education has played a crucial role in molding individual characters. As one of the interviewees put it when asked why education is important he explained, Educations plays an important role in shaping character Faure (2003), asserts that education is important in our daily lifestyles because it shapes character by widening ones mind, magnifying our wisdom and changing ones way of thinking and interpreting life problems. It was also seen that education greatly contributes into building successful careers that earn a way of living for many individuals. When an interviewee who was a lawyer was asked the question as to how his education background had shaped him to who he was today, he was quick to note that education equipped him with the necessary skills to make rational judgments and relevant decisions in life and this is reflected by his career as a lawyer. Many scholars have attributed the success of competent professionals to quality educational backgrounds (Preece, 2006). For instance, lawyers from universities such as Harvard are seen as competent enough compared to their colleagues from Brooks law school. From the research, education was also seen as being pivotal to economic development and social restructuring. This was reflected by the answers given by most interviewees when they were asked what they thought was the importance of education to an individuals future success. Most of them were of the pinion that quality education trigger development in a nation. This is also attributed in the works of Preece (20006) that associates quality education with the Americas economic success. Buy custom The Impact of Education in Our Lives essay

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Composition of the Song of Deborah Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Composition of the Song of Deborah - Essay Example Ackroyd, who mainly comments on the authenticity of the historical facts, starts his essay by pointing out the differences between the prose that narrates the story in logical sequences and the poetry, that picks up only the special, particularly selected scenes, both, according to him, are not unnatural and unprecedented. He mentions Carrington's article that talks about King Alfred who as a fugitive was reprimanded by the farmer for allowing the cakes to burn in his royal preoccupations. He agrees with Carrington's argument that in medieval times there was hardly any demarking line between the fact and fiction and it is difficult to authentically agree if such a situation ever arose during King Alfred's fugitive status. Ackroyd finds the relevance of these points with the Song of Deborah and its study because poetry always picks up important points and leaves the rest. Another reason is that a period of a century lies in between the event and its poetical formation. According to Gerlaman the date is an 'unconfirmed presumption' although the poem sounds rather primitive with its tribal sketches of scenes with Jael, Sisera and Sisera's mother. The eye witness accounts might have been exaggerated or colourised. According to his visualisation of the battle, the stage was Israel in Canaan and the poetic glorification of Yahweh and over the years, accounts must have changed, diminished, improved upon, and hope for factual accounts dwindles. He feels that a more scientific historian might have tried to reconstruct the scene later dropping the unwanted elements out of it giving more coherence to certain dull points. He argues that the song should be viewed as a preserver of traditions instead of trying to make it a historical and well-authenticated document. It is not possible to derive exact history of events from this song because the writer himself was confused between the Sisera of the tradition and the captain of Jabin of Hazer's army. Still, the poem is invaluable as a document that could evidence for the days of the writer, and that means only one century this way of the real event. This view is not accepted by all. According to Globe (1974), Song of Deborah is a literary unity. "The poem has a carefully composed structure employing a significant number of recurring literary forms. No detail of the subject matter is out of place in a victory ode of the late second millennium near East" (511). Answering various contradictions about the literary context, recently Labuschagne said: "Like the poems in Exodus 15 and Deuteronomy 32, the Song of Deborah in Judges 5 is an embedded hymn. It is not an inset hymn, because there is no indication whatsoever that the poem had a previous setting from which it was transferred and inserted into its present context" and mostly the scholars are agreeable with this context now. The story of this fiery female judge who could prophesy, who is also hailed as the Mother of Israel, told once in prose and then in poetry in the book of judges, also tells that she was not a queen, but was equally respected and moved in the male-dominated world of arguably eighth century BC. In the patriarchal set up, this capable woman rises to tell that Israelites are not forgotten by God and guides them during an acute hour of need. Gerleman also says: "The emotional colouring, the ethos which irradiates the Song of Deborah and gives it an inner uniformity has a two-fold source, viz. the fusion of

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Leadership and management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 6

Leadership and management - Essay Example For the purpose of analysis, the leadership and management style of TESCO Plc will be critically reviewed in the light of role of leadership in management, the difference between leadership and management, theories and practices of management related to TESCO Plc. TESCO Plc is a multinational superstore in food retailing industry operating in more than 12 countries across world. Strong leadership and management have driven the company to operate successfully in the UK as well as in Europe, Asia and North American Market since 1919 (TESCO Plc, 2014). The nature and style of leadership pursued by TESCO Plc will be discussed below. As a result of operating since 1919 in the UK market, TESCO Plc has encountered various transformational and structural changes from time to time. Such changes largely affects the organizational framework; therefore effective leadership is defined when the leads become successful in efficiently managing resistance to change among all the employees (Grieves, 2010). With the skill and knowledge gained from long experience of working in corporate environment, leaders always tend to formulate strategies and bring required changes in align with the economic condition and industry position. The leaders also identify the potential barriers which may arise in the time of incorporating change process and take initiatives to address such issues well in advance. Experts have recognized certain traits which are inevitable for a leader to manage and control organizational changes. Those traits are attributed in the tabular format. Role of leadership also changes in the various stages of change process. For instance, logical influence is required to be implemented on employees in the planning stage of change process whereas in the introduction and maintenance phase, supportive leadership style should be exercised for minimizing resistance to

Monday, November 18, 2019

Server Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Server - Essay Example The computer network should also be secured from damages that may result from physical factors and dangers caused by computer virus. Thus, network security is extremely essential in any company; the chief information officer should be aware of how to ensure network security. There are several ways in which unauthorized users can gain access to the peer-to-peer networks in a company. First, they can access the peer networks by using any of the networked computers to type a unique username as well as password. This can be prevented by making sure that the networked computers cannot be accessed physically. To achieve this, the BIOS security should be enabled; this makes sure that the user sets an access name and password for the computers (Maiwald, 2003). Maiwald (2003) asserts that hackers and other unauthorized users can gain access to a company’s sever-based network by using the name and password of another person. In such a case, passwords should be changed on a regular basis, and they should not also be written down. This way, it will be extremely difficult for unauthorized users to access the company’s network. Data encryption can also be used to ensure that the network is secure and not accessible to unauthorized persons. Data should be encrypted before sending it onto the network. This way, the data will become unreadable even by a person who may attempt to tap the cable and read the data when it passes over the network. Upon arrival at the proper computer, the code designed to decipher encrypted data divides it into bits. The code then translates the bits into information that can be understood (Gollmann, 2011). According to Brown (2000), the network infrastructure of a company should also be protected from computer viruses which may infect the operating systems and files. Viruses can be transmitted through direct cable connection, floppy disks or CDs. Other means in which viruses can be transmitted include electronic ways such as through

Friday, November 15, 2019

Mergers and Acquisitions in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Mergers and Acquisitions in the Pharmaceutical Industry Introduction Mergers are done to expand the business and improve profitability by companies with mutual consent. Acquisitions occur when one company takes over another which may be friendly or hostile. Mergers and Acquisitions (MA) are actively taking place in the pharmaceutical and biotech organizations and this trend is expected to prevail for the next one to two years. The bio-pharma industry is dynamic and is currently changing focus from RD to licensing and outsourcing. So before any MA activity a strategy formulation is very essential with emphasis on creating a competitive advantage for the business. Mergers and Acquisitions (MA) are generally done with the following motives: to exploit economy of scale, to eliminate duplicated functions, to share managerial expertise, synergy, taxation, market power because of decreased competition. MA that are done with reduced competition as motive are socially unacceptable and illegal as they lead to monopolistic scenarios. The MA may not be successful in generating returns if the deal was closed with a high price due to impulsive and enthusiastic deals. MA also leads to diversification which has proved to be beneficial in stabilizing the returns. A merger or acquisition is an extremely stressful process for those involved: job losses, restructuring, and the imposition of a new corporate culture and identity can create uncertainty, anxiety and resentment among a companys employees. (Appelbaum 2000) Companies focus on the legal and financial issues involved with the MA and fail to pay attention to the long term effects like corporate identity and communication which greatly influence the employee motivation and productivity. The pharmaceutical industry The Indian Pharmaceutical Sector is currently the largest amongst the developing nations. There is a worldwide structural trend evolving in pharmaceuticals and Indian companies play a key role in this framework, driven by their superior biotech and drug synthesis skills, high quality and vertically integrated manufacturing assets, differentiated business models and significant cost advantages. Companies across the world are reaching out to their counterparts to take mutual advantage of the others core competencies in RD, Manufacturing, Marketing and the niche opportunities offered by the changing global pharmaceutical environment. (Shukla 2006) The pharmaceutical sector offers an array of growth opportunities. This sector has always been dynamic in nature and the pace of change has never been as rapid as it is now. To adapt to these changing trends, the Indian pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies have evolved distinctive business models to take advantage of their inherent strengths and the Borderless nature of this sector. (Shukla 2006) Environmental factors The changing environment in the bio-pharma industry is driving an increased activity of Mergers and acquisitions. In 2008, sales growth of prescribed drugs globally has reached the lowest rate in since 2001. Along with this slowdown, the pharmaceuticals sector is faced with an increasingly challenging environment resulting from increasing patent expirations, growing generic sales, reducing new drug pipelines and stricter regulations. The biotechnology sector also faces increased regulatory challenges as well as shortage of credit. The patents are getting expired and there is increased competition for generic drugs. Patients are becoming more aware and manage their own conditions. The healthcare models are thus changing. With such environmental pressures increasing the companies resort to MA as a tool for corporate growth. MA do not exceed their cost of capital. Still companies go for MA because of some strategies like increased market strength consolidating for cost reduction broadening geographic coverage pipeline stuffing (Coles 2002) Some recent MA The US and European generics companies are scouting for alliances/buyouts at the back end of the chain, which would allow them to offset any manufacturing cost advantage held by companies in the developing markets. The Indian companies are looking at the front-end integration as building a front-end distribution set-up from scratch could take significant time. (Shukla 2006) There are also entry barriers for companies from the developing countries and acquisitions make it easy for these organizations to find a foothold in the developed markets. For instance, there is a cultural and language barrier in Europe and Europe is high on the radar of Indian pharmaceutical companies. The sheer heterogeneity of Europe and the fragmented nature of its pharmaceutical market make acquisitions an easy route for entry into this region and the US being the largest pharmaceutical market in the world will always interest the Indian pharma companies for its sheer size. (Shukla 2006) The acquisitions of RPG Aventis (by Ranbaxy) and Alpharma (by Cadila) in France are clear examples of acquisitions proving to be a drain on the companys profitability and return ratios for several years post acquisition. In several other cases acquisitions by Indian generic companies are small and have been primarily to expand geographical reach while at the same time, shifting production from the acquired units to their cost-effective Indian plants. A few have been to develop a bouquet of products. Other than Wockhardts acquisition of CP Pharma and Esparma, it has taken at least three years for the other global acquisitions to see break-even. Most of the acquiring companies have to pay greater attention to post merger integration as this is a key for success of an acquisition and Indian companies have to wake up to this fact. Also, with the increasing spate of acquisitions, target valuations have substantially increased making it harder for Indian companies to fund. In January 2009, Pfizer entered into a merger agreement with Wyeth valued at US$68 billion. The deal is to be financed through a combination of cash, stock and debt. A consortium of banks will provide US$22.5 billion for the MA. In March 2009, Roche acquired the remaining 44 percent of Genentech shares for an all-cash US$46.8 billion deal. Prior to the deal, Roche raised US$39 billion through bond sales. In March 2009, Merck Co. acquired Schering-Plough in a cash-stock deal worth US$41.1 billion. The cash component includes US$9.8 billion from Mercks cash reserves and US$8.5 billion committed by JP Morgan Chase. (MA: Outlook for pharmaceuticals 2009) If a company was acquired for its RD pipeline and development projects or platform technology, in majority of cases, the acquiring company failed to derive full benefits and most of the projects were later discontinued or terminated. Diversified companies like Roche, JJ, Abbott and Novartis with devices, generics and diagnostic performed better as compared to pure pharmaceutical RD driven company like Pfizer and Merck. Strategies for successful MA The industrys experience shows that megamergers often do not produce the intended synergies, but rather tend to erode shareholder value and create major integration challenges, while not achieving improved new drug pipelines. (Alternatives to mega mergers 2009) Tetenbaum (1999) suggests an alternative set of seven key practices to assist with a successful merger or acquisition: Close involvement of Human Resources managers in the acquisition process; they should have a say in whether or not the deal goes ahead. Building organisational capacity by ensuring that close attention is paid to the retention and recruitment of employees during the acquisition. Ensuring that the integration is focused on achieving the desired effect (for example, cost savings), while at the same time ensuring that the core strengths and competences of the two companies are not damaged by the transition. Carefully managing the integration of the organisations cultures. Completing the acquisition process quickly, since productivity is harmed by the disorganisation and demoralisation that inevitably occur while the change is underway. Communicating effectively with everyone who will be affected by the change. Other authors agree that being truthful, open and forthright during an acquisition is vital in helping employees to cope with the transition. (Appelbaum 2000) Developing a clear, standardised integration plan. Tetenbaum cites the example of Cisco Systems, which, like GE Capital, makes large numbers of acquisitions and has been able to learn from its experiences and build up tried-and-tested processes for carrying them out successfully. (Tetenbaum 1999) Conclusion The companies may be heading towards more megamergers of the scale seen in the recent past or they may move towards smaller strategic acquisitions. Deals in the biotechnology sector could increase further as small and mid-size biotechnology companies become increasingly willing to enter into deals at value prices. Large pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies are scouting around for deals at much lower valuations, and the current trend of MA in generics is one to watch for in the future. Although there are many different opinions on precisely what causes so many mergers and acquisitions to fail, and on how these problems can be avoided, there are certain points that most analysts appear to agree on. It is widely accepted, for instance, that the human factor is a major cause of difficulty in making the integration between two companies work successfully. If the transition is carried out without sensitivity towards the employees who may suffer as a result of it, and without awareness of the vast differences that may exist between corporate cultures, the result is a stressed, unhappy and uncooperative workforce and consequently a drop in productivity.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Professional Delimma Essay -- Management

Professional dilemma and value conflicts are challenges that can be apart of just about every professional job. There are sometimes many complicated and tough decisions that need to be made throughout the day that can be very exhausting and stressful. Each new challenge can be seen in one of two ways. They can be seen a barrier which blocks or deters them from a chosen end result or as learning tool that enables them to grow and move forward. I had a professional dilemma which took place about a year ago when I felt that it was pretty apparent that I was holding much of the workload between myself and a co-worker. We were assigned to support the police department's network infrastructure. I was his senior only in knowledge. Our typical day involved fixing computer problems, backups, new installs, server maintenance, and all other administration tasks. Our workload was manageable and our end-users had an acceptable expectation of support and problem resolution. Often, I found myself in a position of authority. However, I did not have the power to get anything done as I would like them to be. Many times, I would just do it myself because it was easier that way and I knew that it would be done correctly. The problem with this concept is that more work and projects were given to me. Also, everyone wanted my opinion before proceeding on any technical task. My opinion had to be given even if my co-worker had already given his. The need for my opinion angered my co-worker and made him even less productive. One day, I decided to think about each of our personality traits and compare them. The most obvious differences were that I was very aggressive in taking on new challenges and he was less aggressive. The more ... ...mous beings and should be treated as an end and not just a mere means. Kant might say that we were both in the wrong because my coworker was not following the ought principle and because I was treating my coworker as a mere means. My coworker was not doing what he ought to do because he felt that voice was not being heard and that he was being disrespected. I was treating my coworker as a mere means in that I didn't take the time needed early on to identify his needs. I was only concerned with getting our work done. I initially felt that I was not his manager and because of that, it was not my responsibility to fix the problem. However, after further investigation into Kant's principles, he also believed in universal laws that apply to everyone in all circumstances. By following this law, I would have sought a resolution to our problem sooner (Dante, 2002).